Another season, another runway show...
The LCM (London Collections Men) took place the past week in several spots around London city. The most relevant and upcoming designers showcased their latest collections for the Spring/Summer season 2016.
Burberry Prorsum:
Burberry keep it's cool, classy vibe as always with the insertion of a few new elements; lace, sheer and a mixture a sports pant (jogger) with their classic suit ensemble.
Note the classic suits with lace shirts and ties, the sparkly tie pins with embroiled stones, also the more casual approach of the suit with jogger pants and loafers, and also the classic suit with cheer shirts. The collection overall has a very 70's vibe specially with the addition of the long scarfs in the classic "knot", what makes it modern or up to date is the addition of the joggers and the cheer and lace elements.
A Collection that takes the classic and adapts it to the modern men and offers him the comfort side without having to risk the fashion aspect of it all.
A Collection that takes the classic and adapts it to the modern men and offers him the comfort side without having to risk the fashion aspect of it all.
J.W Andersen
Cheer, avaunt gard prints and over sized elements were all over Andersen's collection, proving that the over sized trend is not going anywhere any time soon. The addition of feminine elements also present in this collection, who said only girls can wear a boy-ish look, menswear designers are stepping more and more to the feminine ground and I'm all up for it.
The collection overall has a samurai-ish feel to it, the color paled once again stays monotone within the navy blues, white and nude ranges, the cut and textures go from sheer to knits and all ovesized to relaxed fit.
Definitely a collection for a very secure man that can pull this garments of the right way.
Definitely a collection for a very secure man that can pull this garments of the right way.
Margaret Howell
The classic approach to the modern men...
Howell gives us her rendering of the traditional elements that make a great menswear collection and add up the freshness and current feel of the modern men in this Spring/Summer show.
The collection has a 60's - 70's feel, with the sailor scarves and all, its a very sleek classy collection that portraits the modern young man, the relaxed fit and over sized pieces rule the runway and her take on more comfortable wear with sandals and socks. Again Black, white and nude are the colors to go to, with the addition of grays.
A collection for the man that whats to stay up to date without risking the classic look he might be accustomed to
These 3 are only some of my favorite collections from this season they have and combine the elements I lean to the most, definitely a very promising season overall.
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