Jerry Carcamo was the second show during day one of "Estilo Moda" '17. This collection, titled by the designer as: "Lupe", was as I see it, the reinvention of the conventional clothing. With both asymmetrical and symmetrical and oval cuts and shapes and drapery, Carcamo's collection was not one to be missed, the minimal approach from the tailoring, fit and cuts was perfectly contrasted with printed and plush - terrycloth fabrics and the use non conventional fabrics, like neoprene.
The incorporations of leathery details in tailoring on jackets collars and cuffs and the inclusion of terrycloth fabrics contributed to the modern appeal of the collection. Stripes and high waisted straight bell pants were a major part of the collection as were dual toned blazers and jackets. Shirts with "seamless" draped layers in two tones were also present as were skirts with a similar "draped cape" overlapping them, that I thought were a genius and innovative touch.
The collection also had a "sporty" appeal to it, Carcamo takes the "jogger" mesh and makes it a fashion statement. The prints, an element always present on the designer's collections, make the pieces stamped with them, unique, statement pieces for which you can automatically identify the designers's name and brand.
All Photos by Daniel Mendoza © for Estilo Magazine, Estilo Moda '17 ®
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