Leave it to Donatella to give you a true statement collection, asymmetry never looked so good.
In this her latest Atelier collection, Donatella stuns ones again with a beautiful, modern and feminine asymmetric collection.
The asymmetric cuts on the garments make your eyes dance from top to bottom. Playful, sexy and stylish pieces, evoke and exude femininity everywhere. Asymmetric cuts and deep cut offs leave the imagination at play, while a pop of color in the seemingly neutral pieces give the garments that extra something that makes it stand out and make you turn your head twice.
Some of the dresses seem to have been made by a spiders, web like confection, make the pieces a real work of art and innovation. We all know Donatella is all about sexuality and sex appeal, so there's no surprise in the "lack of coverage"and the body hugging pieces, but she those in such an exquisite way, that brings out the sex appeal and the best side of the femininity that every woman looks for.
The choice of fabrics and color was cold, with just few pops or the red paled. The over all aesthetic was, simple, sexy and modern.
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