Well Guys all good things must come to an end, this is the final post regarding CFWH15. Thank you all for stopping by, and for those of you liking the posts on Instagram and Facebook, also Special thanks to the creators and organizers of Fashion Week Honduras for making me this year an active part of the biggest fashion event of the year. A Special Thank you to Mrs. Fanne Medrano, and congratulations on another successful event! Also I want to take the time to thank all of those who came to me backstage and at the after parties and congratulated me on my work, I really appreciate all your comments and praises, but also I want give a very special Thank you to miss Jennie Maduro the lovely mother of designer Daniela Madiuro, thank you so much for the words of encouragment you gave to me and for your congratulations and praises towards me, I really appreciated them. Also to model Ana Segovia, Thanks for all your lovely comments they are very much appreciated, thanks a lot, thank...