2014 has definitely been a roller coaster ride, with high highs and low lows, however this year has thought me to appreciate details, to value the little things, to overcome adversity and negativity and to leave behind that, that makes me unhappy. I want and need to take the time to thank all of you who have joined me in this journey throughout this year, thank you for taking the time to read what I write and take a look at what I do, thanks a lot, it really means a lot to me, your support is very much appreciated. Thank You! I hope this new year brings much happiness and joy into your lives, rejoice, enjoy every minute of it, may all your hearts desires come to life. Once again THANK YOU SO SO MUCH, see you around ;) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May the bridges I burn light up the road ahead, may the brightest smile prevail even through the darkest night.